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Through an open door

At times, life presents itself an opportunity, unforeseen. What do you do, when you do not quite know if it is that, an opportunity. Maybe it is a road to peril. The doubts and wonders flood in with your heart screaming: Yes! This way! Yet, your reasoning pushes you away. That time in my life, I called a friend, who I knew was courageous, but had much fruit in his life to show that he had landed on something that he said he would not have never imagined would yield so much fruit. After he encouraged me to go forward through this door, I have experienced life and freedom I couldn't imagine. Oh well, yes, maybe I have imagined quite extreme things for my life, but this reality, well it is beautiful. To say this, I am saying to you: Follow your heart! Take a leap of faith and go courageously toward freedom and rest in life. When you have got a hold of love, and are moving in that love, there is no law against it. Just leap!

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